You can change the previewed race by clicking on the arrow below the picture on the armor's page. *according to the comments, you get all three colors of the Mag'har Orc's armor
Tauren: (the big totem is a cloak: Totem do Chefe Ancestral). Blood Elf: (Questline starts in Orgrimmar: Orgulho dos sin'dorei). Dwarf: (Questline starts in Stormwind: Mantenha os pés no chão). Visit the Embassy to find the quest giver ( Stormwind / Orgrimmar). Older/main races may complete a quest chain to get their heritage armor (level 120 and exalted with their matching faction possibly additional requirements, depending on the race). Once earned, you can use this transmog on every alt of that race. The ones of allied races require to level up one character of that race without a level boost (heirlooms are allowed) and gain the achievement (like Tradição dos Forjados a Luz).