
My wcp watermark editor windows 10
My wcp watermark editor windows 10

Under the Windows 10test mode, users can load and install unsigned drivers,and the Windows 10 test mode watermark willdisplay. Secondly, why does my Windows 10 show test mode?Ībout Windows 10 Test Mode Therefore, Microsoft added the Test Mode toenable developers of drivers to test programs without havingto provide an authentication certificate. The test signing mode may start ifan installed program is in a test phase because it usesdrivers that are not digitally signed by Microsoft. Similarly, what is test mode? The test mode message indicates that the test signing mode of the operating system is startedon the computer. Close the Command Prompt window, and then restart yourcomputer.At the command prompt, type the following text, and then pressEnter: bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING OFF.Under Programs, right-click cmd.exe, and then click Run asadministrator.Click Start, and then type cmd in the Search box.Moreover, how do I turn off test mode in Windows 8? Check the “ Remove all watermark”option.

my wcp watermark editor windows 10

  • First, open up a command prompt and type the following:bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF.

  • My wcp watermark editor windows 10