Use the exposed parts to repair the checkerboard floor. Smash some blocks covering a dig spot, then dig it up with B. Climb up with Gollum and push the boulder down. Have Frodo go in the dark cave just ahead and expose the bottom of the fish wall. Go up the stairs and jump across to the right, then up more stairs. Slide the large block off the edge and use the pieces to build the rest of the staircase. Break apart the chained pieces with X and then rebuild the checkerboard floor with B. Jump up onto the vines and go into the dark cavern.

Switch to Frodo, who is probably wandering over towards the scary green castle Minas Morgul. Then pull on the rope hook to make the vines into a platform you can cross. Pick up the rock you uncover and throw it at the vines. Switch to Sam and climb up, then dig with B. Climb the fish wall (white LEGO wall) and knock down the rock. Switch to Gollum and head way over to the left. This will give us enough parts to build part of a staircase. As long as we’re being vandals, use the parts to build a wood frame around the other statue and then have Sam burn it down. Use the spinner (repeatedly press B) to expose a rope hook, and use Sam’s rope to bring the whole statue down. Use them to build a spinner onto the nearby statue (the Two Watchers). Once he is lighting the way, switch to Sam and dig up some parts. Have Frodo head into the dark cavern immediately behind him.